Oh, orgasms. If you had one you know how magnificent they feel. And if you're not sure if you had one, you didn't. Should I even get started on the medical and psychological benefits?
Our physiology results in them being a shutdown button for males and a restart one for females. This information is an important stop on the route of my train of thought.
The other day I was plugging in my magic wand. I found it funny that every time I do that I have to plug out my phone charger first.
Then I had an epiphany of the sort Todd from "BoJack Horseman" would have. Maybe the array of sex toys girls use is just a charger for our will to live?
With the drained battery, I know myself to be irritable, thin-skinned and frankly danger to myself and others. Operating in power save mode makes life hardly enjoyable. And after the feel-good hormones shot straight from between your legs? Highly tolerable again.
Another aspect of magic wand charger is independence. You don't have to rely on your partner(s), just the electricity in the socket.
What could I do with so many thoughts?
Yes. A film.
Here it is.
Our physiology results in them being a shutdown button for males and a restart one for females. This information is an important stop on the route of my train of thought.
The other day I was plugging in my magic wand. I found it funny that every time I do that I have to plug out my phone charger first.
Then I had an epiphany of the sort Todd from "BoJack Horseman" would have. Maybe the array of sex toys girls use is just a charger for our will to live?
With the drained battery, I know myself to be irritable, thin-skinned and frankly danger to myself and others. Operating in power save mode makes life hardly enjoyable. And after the feel-good hormones shot straight from between your legs? Highly tolerable again.
Another aspect of magic wand charger is independence. You don't have to rely on your partner(s), just the electricity in the socket.
What could I do with so many thoughts?
Yes. A film.
Here it is.