20 March 2020

Art in the Time of Covid 19

I've been putting off setting a proper appointment with a curator of the only local gallery for weeks. And then the pandemic happened.

I was ready to take the "Symphony of Perception" to the next level. You see, I did a pilot exhibition in my apartment last autumn. Navigating the muddy waters of fine art is still challenging for me. First and foremost I wanted to check if the idea that I had - giving people choice over the soundtrack - can be considered art.

To the few people that managed show up among a few invited, it was. And it was a decent example of it as well. I trusted their opinion and kept working up the courage to contact the gallery.

I woke up after an illness and found all the events canceled or postponed. But everyone was online.
Since I've shown my art in my own apartment, why not show it in everyone else's?

My motivation is to evoke the sense of wonder with the reality in as many people as possible.

And let's be frank, we're all stuck at home anyway. :)

What's "Symphony of Perception"

This online multimedia installation and it consists of 3 elements:

  • Projection of footage
  • Soundtrack on headphones 
  • and You - The most important one 
You’re invited to choose or change the piece of music in relation to a video clip at any time. The conscious choice of tune, when faced with a visual and the contemplation of how the two work together, is really key.

How to experience it?

STEP 1. You need a device (phone, tablet, etc.) to play music on with headphones. 
You can download the tracks or listen to them from the folder here

STEP 2. You need a separate device to open Youtube on (laptop, desktop computer or smart TV). You can type ‘symphony of perception’ on Youtube or simply click here.

STEP 3. Play around with a soundtrack. Pay attention. Notice. Enjoy.

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