20 March 2020

Art in the Time of Covid 19

I've been putting off setting a proper appointment with a curator of the only local gallery for weeks. And then the pandemic happened.

I was ready to take the "Symphony of Perception" to the next level. You see, I did a pilot exhibition in my apartment last autumn. Navigating the muddy waters of fine art is still challenging for me. First and foremost I wanted to check if the idea that I had - giving people choice over the soundtrack - can be considered art.

To the few people that managed show up among a few invited, it was. And it was a decent example of it as well. I trusted their opinion and kept working up the courage to contact the gallery.

I woke up after an illness and found all the events canceled or postponed. But everyone was online.
Since I've shown my art in my own apartment, why not show it in everyone else's?

My motivation is to evoke the sense of wonder with the reality in as many people as possible.

And let's be frank, we're all stuck at home anyway. :)

What's "Symphony of Perception"

This online multimedia installation and it consists of 3 elements:

  • Projection of footage
  • Soundtrack on headphones 
  • and You - The most important one 
You’re invited to choose or change the piece of music in relation to a video clip at any time. The conscious choice of tune, when faced with a visual and the contemplation of how the two work together, is really key.

How to experience it?

STEP 1. You need a device (phone, tablet, etc.) to play music on with headphones. 
You can download the tracks or listen to them from the folder here

STEP 2. You need a separate device to open Youtube on (laptop, desktop computer or smart TV). You can type ‘symphony of perception’ on Youtube or simply click here.

STEP 3. Play around with a soundtrack. Pay attention. Notice. Enjoy.

18 March 2020

Symphony of Perception

I do not wish to tell stories,
I intend to envoke 

To fuel my courage I used wonder. To take an idea and create this piece of reality from it was nerve-racking to me.
However, it still leaves me speechless how many potential impressions there could occur.

Images and the music can be combined by You as you please. This special human factor is essential. Who you are and what set of experiences, memories, and tastes you come here with becomes a unique filter. 

Every person that comes across my online installation has a chance to create not only to combine the elements in a unique way but also a guarantee of exclusive perception of it.

Dr Joe Dispenza says that we don’t see the world as it is. We see it as we are.

Mixing music, image and our perception of those is merely a metaphor. I’m illustrating situations appearing in our lives and our attitude towards them.
When it comes to events in reality, we most likely have no influence over them. The way we approach them - well, that’s the whole other story.

Winning a lottery can bring overwhelming gratitude into our hearts. Or fill our minds with worry about lifestyle inflation.

A puddle of dirty water can cover our overcoat courtesy of some careless driver. And we get angry and course their guts out or burst out laughing like a mad person.
It’s a choice. It’s always a choice.

I had two main reasons to invite you to take control of the soundtrack. One was just proving that you are indeed able to control this aspect. The other was to unblock the mechanism of using it consciously. Maybe even lay a foundation for such a habit?

Thank you for your time, attention and engagement.

All the best,

Michalina Marta Cap

And again the choice is yours.

If you wish to toss a coin to the artist here's my PayPal.Me and Patreon

If you wish to experience the installation again, the projection is here and the music here.

If you wish to share your thoughts and feelings with me or others head to the comments below

Symfonia Percepcji

Nie chcę opowiadać historii, 
chcę wywoływać doświadczenia.

Napęd dla mojej odwagi, by z pomysłu wykreować ten fragment rzeczywistości, stanowi zachwyt. Zachwyt nad mnogością potencjalnych doznań.

Obrazy i muzyka mogą być przez Ciebie połączone w dowolny sposób. I właśnie ten czynnik ludzki, filtr tego, z czym przychodzisz i kim jesteś staje się trzecim elementem układanki. Elementem wyjątkowym. Każda osoba mająca styczność z tą instalacją online ma szansę nie tylko na autorską kombinację, ale i gwarancję na jej unikatowy odbiór.

Od dr. Joe Dispenzy usłyszałam jakiś czas temu, że nie widzimy świata, takim, jakim jest. Widzimy go takim, jacy my jesteśmy. 

Dostrajanie muzyki z obrazami i swojej percepcji do nich jest dla mnie metaforą zastanych sytuacji życiowych oraz naszego nastawienia do nich.

Na pierwsze - ogromna wygrana w Lotto albo samochód przenoszący całą zawartość kałuży na nasze odzienie wierzchnie - zwykle nie mamy wpływu. 

Drugie - przejmująca wdzięczność/rozgoryczenie nadchodzącym podatkiem albo frustracja brakiem pomyślunku kierowcy/głośny uwalniający śmiech - jest naszym wyborem.

Zapraszając Cię do przeskakiwania po ścieżkach dźwiękowych, chciałam, po pierwsze udowodnić że masz kontrolę nad tym aspektem. Po drugie uruchomić mechanizm świadomego z niej korzystania. Może nawet położyć fundament pod nawyk?

Dziękuję, za Twój czas, zaangażowanie i uwagę.

All the best,

Michalina Marta Cap

Ponownie, wybór jest Twój

Jeśli masz ochotę wrzucić coś do kapelusza tutaj jest mój PayPal.Me i  Patreon

Jeśli masz ochotę ponownie podoświadczać percepcji zapraszam tutaj po muzykę i tutaj na projekcję.

Jeśli masz ochotę podzielić się swoimi myślami i odczuciami ze mną i innymi zapraszam do komentarzy poniżej.

16 March 2020

Make reality great again.

I've always been a mind over body person. In junior high disregarding the P.E. and clinging to art history instead. The intellectual had always had much more value than the physical. Look at me now with MA in film (aka making up stories or rocking your brain to show the real ones in spectacular ways.) And with the only exercise routine limited to sex.

I've trained myself to use my imagination. Paint vivid scenes of my never-to-be-experienced future, that never leave my head.

And I believe that is the problem. Being prone to put my energy into thoughts instead of action. Running around in circles trying to present my case for a certain endeavor to the jury. Consisting solely of a wide array of voices in my head. (Not schizophrenic, just INFJ.)

The other day, in meditation, a certain euphony came to me: I so rarely experience reality. When I do, it tends to be utterly disappointing.
But how in hell can it be a crazy rollercoaster of joy and creativity if I DO absolutely NOTHING to make it so?

Hence the idea to make reality great again. As they say: the grass is greener where you water it.

And this post is a start. There's more to come. Get ready.

Unreal Fortune

  In May of 2020, I filled jars with air from the meadow and put them up for sale on Etsy for a horrendous price. That work was about puttin...